Word from the Pastor

Face the Bear

Let’s never settle for being bears on bikes to our kids. Instead, let them witness us bravely facing our bears together, and forever.

Face The Bear

Decades ago, Danny’s father took his son to the circus to see the bears on bikes. Waiting in line
to pay, Danny noticed ahead of him a father with eight excited children. Reaching the cashier, 
the father of eight asked, “How much for one adult and eight children?” The cashier announced, 
“$20.00.” The father of eight leaned forward and asked, “Sorry ... How much?” Danny’s father 
then reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20.00 bill, dropped it on the floor, tapped the father 
of eight on his shoulder, and then pointed to the cash, saying, “Excuse me, sir, but that must be 
yours.” The father of eight knew what the man had done. Swallowing hard – both his tears and 
his pride – he picked up the $20.00 bill and said: “Thank you so much, sir! This means the world
to my kids! God bless you!” Looking down into the eyes of his son, Danny, he announced, “I 
already am blessed.” Then he told the whole family, “Enjoy the bears on bikes!” No longer able 
to afford to watch the bears on bikes, Danny and his father walked home hand-in-hand. It didn’t 
matter to Danny though. What he had witnessed was way better than bears on bikes; he 
witnessed his hard-working father being transformed into a big-hearted father. 

Men, although it may be too late for you to witness the transformation of your fathers, know this:
It’s still not too late for your children to witness the transformation of their fathers! 
Transformations need not be audacious and gargantuan, but simply authentic and gradual. Life 
is more valuable than a circus. Our kids don’t need to see their fathers playing through life like 
bears on bikes; rather, they need to see their fathers bravely face the bears in their lives. 
Now, I don’t mean to ‘poke the bear’ in you, but – unlike some fathers – are you man enough to 
face the bears lurking in your soul? Not sure where to begin? Need direction through this 
uncharted territory? You’re not alone. Join a band of brothers who are facing their bears 
together. Come to our “Face the Bear” Men’s Barbeque on Friday, June 10, and join the 
journey of transformation. Let’s never settle for being bears on bikes to our kids. Instead, let 
them witness us bravely facing our bears together, and forever.