Word From The Pastor

Family Sunday and Divine Appointments

When the Holy Spirit gathers us every Sunday, we’re being called together with purpose and intention. Think about it like appointments that are being made for us, or that we’re being placed on a team.

Kids love projectiles, don’t they? Rubber bands, slingshots, spitballs shot through straws (come on, I know you did that too!), water guns, nerf guns, target practice – just launching a ball across the room brings them joy. Well, this week we’re launching ourselves back into two services at 9 am and 11 am and I hope that you’ll feel the anticipation of that with joy! It means that we’re getting the space we need to welcome new families and new friends. Our summer Sundays in children's ministry were pushed almost beyond capacity so we’re excited in CLA Kids to have more time and space to make connections, encourage friendships and have great conversations about Jesus.

Which service will you choose to attend? Maybe you already know, but can I encourage you to explore your reasons prayerfully? It’s not wrong to think –“If I attend at 9:00 am I can still do something else with my day;” or, “Going to the 11:00 am service allows me to sleep in a bit.” But when the Holy Spirit gathers us every Sunday, we’re being called together with purpose and intention. Think about it like appointments that are being made for us, or that we’re being placed on a team, the 9:00 am team, or the 11:00 am team. We do need to show up for these appointments and placements ready to receive from God and offer our worship back to God, but also ready to serve one another. Maybe the Holy Spirit is asking you to attend one service and serve in the other.  And there are so many places to serve: GuestServices, Safety Team, REV 678, CLA Kids, the prayer team, tech, the café, and the library.  So, the time you take in prayer is important; offer yourself fully and let the Spirit lead you.

Speaking of service, you may see some children helping as greeters this Sunday because it’s also Family Sunday. This means that our Kindergarten to Grade 5 children will be together with us in the auditorium for worship and the word. (Nursery and Preschool classes remain open and will welcome your little ones in both services). So, CLA family, there will certainly be more children sitting around you on Sunday, and perhaps one or two projectiles might zoom by or roll under your seat. But remember, these precious lives are included in the divine appointments that have been planned for you by the Holy Spirit this week. I’m going to use Psalm 122: 1 & 9 as my statement of faith as we begin this new season together: “When they said, “let’s go to the house of God,” my heart leaped for joy…For the sake of the house of our God, – God, I’ll do my very best for you!” (The Message)

Looking forward to worshipping with you.