Word From The Pastor


When I think of my own journey since coming to faith in Jesus, there is beautiful evidence of change in my life.

Transformation is such a powerful word. It brings to my mind images of a metamorphosis. Butterflies are an obvious but incredible example. When you consider their transformation, it’s as if they are remade, becoming different things altogether. In some ways, that is true, but God, in his design, enables what is already in them to become something radically different.

When I think of my own journey since coming to faith in Jesus, there is beautiful evidence of change in my life. Some of the things God had deposited in my life were buried, but when exposed to the truth of God’s Word and the power of God, those things came back to life or emerged in ways I never thought possible before meeting Jesus.

When I read the words of Paul the apostle in 2 Corinthians 5:17, I see my reality since coming to Christ. Paul writes of our being made new, new creations, new creatures. When subjected to the power and presence of God, some of the deposit of God that has gone dormant from pain, disappointment, sin, and brokenness is made whole. The result is our transformation! We are essentially freed from sin to escape eternal punishment and be made whole! To be remade in the image of God, an image that has been stained, degraded, and wounded by life in a broken world.

Jesus came to restore us to Himself, heal us and see us changed until we are literally made into new creations.

Transformation is the core hope of CLA, specifically the transformation of lives, yours and mine. It is also the intention of Jesus. It means so much to us as a church and leadership team that we have fashioned a weekend to accelerate a change in the lives of those we are called to shepherd. Oct 27-28 at the Maple Ridge Campus, we are once again hosting this powerful and life-changing experience, Transformation Weekend. Please prayerfully consider if you are called by God to be there for yourself or to bring a friend whose life would be transformed by attending. Every time this event occurs, people are healed, freed, encouraged and empowered by God to live out life as new people. While I recognize that transformation is an ongoing journey in a believer’s life, I have witnessed a radical change in people who submit to such events. People are praying for this already. God will do some life-changing things; let me encourage you to get there. Who knows what emerges from your life if you pursue more growth and healing in your walk with Jesus.