
BC Boxes of Love

Spring is in the air, and that means anticipation is building at Douglas Park and Nicomekl Elementary for the 12th annual BC Boxes of Love!

Spring is in the air, and that means anticipation is building at Douglas Park and Nicomekl Elementary for the 12th annual BC Boxes of Love! At these schools, CLA Langley has been known for the love that we give. BC BOL are shoeboxes filled with toiletries, art supplies, summer toys and a candy treat. For the past 7 years, the principals of the schools have invited us to teach lessons on kindness, generosity, love, and how to give back to their community. This year our theme is TOGETHERNESS, and our amazing Kids Ministry team has put together another virtual presentation that will be shown to the kids when they receive their BC BOL.

BC BOL is a perfect example of coming together to let the Christ’s LOVE shine in the community of Langley. There are so many people that make this happen:

CityServe Staff – sourcing gifts
CLA Kids Team and CLA Families
– virtual presentation
Communications Team
– filming, editing, and producing video presentation
REV Hubs – building the cardboard boxes
Mornings with Her – assembly line set up and packaging teacher gifts
Family Serve Night – filling the BC BOL

CityServe Volunteers
– delivering BC BOL to schools

This project has grown in both depth and width throughout the years. Together we give these boxes and through them we are given further opportunity to LOVE. That is a responsibility that we don’t take lightly. Over the past two years, when school interactions have been kept to a minimum, we have pivoted and opened a Neighbourhood House called Raphael Family Support Centre. It is here that we join with other churches in Langley to transform our neighbourhoods. We provide a Food Hub to the families of our Langley School District on a weekly basis. As relationships are developing and trust is building, we have seen some families come to CLA. This is exciting, organic growth that God is orchestrating.

We need you to partner with us, to continue in the good work that God is opening doors to!

To sponsor a box or give to the BC BOL project, visit here

Sponsorship $30/Box

Mandy Martens